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Robots.txt Generator

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الآن ، قم بإنشاء ملف "robots.txt" في دليلك الجذر. انسخ النص أعلاه والصقه في الملف النصي.

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عن الموقع Robots.txt Generator

 About Robots.txt Generator


Robots.txt generator is a Free SEO Tool used to generate robots.txt file instantly for your website. Whenever a search engine crawls any website, it always first looks for the robots.txt file that is located at the domain root level Ex : (

What Is Robot Txt in SEO?

Do you know this small file is a way to unlock better rank for your website?

The first file search engine bots look at is the robot’s txt file, if it is not found, then there is a massive chance that crawlers won’t index all the pages of your site. This tiny file can be altered later when you add more pages with the help of little instructions but make sure that you don’t add the main page in the disallow directive.Google runs on a crawl budget; this budget is based on a crawl limit. The crawl limit is the number of time crawlers will spend on a website, but if Google finds out that crawling your site is shaking the user experience, then it will crawl the site slower. This slower means that every time Google sends spider, it will only check a few pages of your site and your most recent post will take time to get indexed. To remove this restriction, your website needs to have a sitemap and a robots.txt file. These files will speed up the crawling process by telling them which links of your site needs more attention.



As every bot has crawl quote for a website, this makes it necessary to have a Best robot file for a wordpress website as well. The reason is it contains a lot of pages which doesn’t need indexing you can even generate a WP robots txt file with our tools. Also, if you don’t have a robotics txt file, crawlers will still index your website, if it’s a blog and the site doesn’t have a lot of pages then it isn’t necessary to have one.


Our aim to make search engine optimization (SEO) easy. We provide simple, professional-quality SEO analysis and critical SEO monitoring for websites. By making our tools intuitive and easy to understand, we've helped thousands of small-business owners, webmasters and SEO professionals improve their online presence.

The Purpose of Directives in A Robots.Txt File

If you are creating the file manually, then you need to be aware of the guidelines used in the file. You can even modify the file later after learning how they work.

  • Crawl-delay This directive is used to prevent crawlers from overloading the host, too many requests can overload the server which will result in bad user experience. Crawl-delay is treated differently by different bots from search engines, Bing, Google, Yandex treat this directive in different ways. For Yandex it is a wait between successive visits, for Bing, it is like a time window in which the bot will visit the site only once, and for Google, you can use the search console to control the visits of the bots.
  • Allowing Allowing directive is used to enable indexation of the following URL. You can add as many URLs as you want especially if it’s a shopping site then your list might get large. Still, only use the robots file if your site has pages that you don’t want to get indexed.
  • Disallowing The primary purpose of a Robots file is to refuse crawlers from visiting the mentioned links, directories, etc. These directories, however, are accessed by other bots who need to check for malware because they don’t cooperate with the standard.

Robots.txt Generator

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