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URL Encoder / Decoder

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عن الموقع URL Encoder / Decoder


Whether you want to encode a URL or decode it, our online URL encoder/decoder can help you with that. Enter the URL into the text box or upload the file, and click the relevant “Encode” or “Decode” button.



URL Encoder / Decoder


URL Encoder/Decoder Tool is a Free SEO Tool allows to Decode a string that has been url encoded. This is useful when you want to add special characters to a URL parameter.



Online URL Encoder/Decoder

Small SEO Tools bring you the smartest and fastest online URL Encoder/Decoder tool for free!

This online URL Encoder/Decoder tool is extremely helpful when adding special characters to a URL parameter which is also known often referred to as percent encoding. The process of URL encoding involves replacement of unallowable characters with a % (percent sign) and additional two hexadecimal values. While URL decoding works, if you want to know an email campaign or the newsletter’s source.


What is the Use of URL Encoding?

The URL specification RFC 1738 states that only a small set of characters are allowed to be used in a URL. Those characters are listed below:

a to z (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) _ (Underscore)
0 to 9 (0123456789) . (Period)
$ (Dollar Sign) ! (Exclamation or Bang)
+ (Plus sign) * (Asterisk or Star)
( (Open Bracket) ‘ (Single Quote)
) (Closing Bracket)  

How does URL Encoding work?

TOnline URL encoding or Percent-encoding, is a procedure for encoding specific information in a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in definite situations. Even though it is widely known as known as URL encoding, in general, it is used within the main Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) set, which contains both Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Uniform Resource Name (URN).

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