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Email Privacy

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Acerca de Email Privacy


What is E-mail Privacy Tool ?


Privacy is important in now day due to hacking and tracking. In an email, we are used to making proper security of each and every mail id due to authorized access. So if you finding detail about the website just enter url and show the email used on website    This tool is used to check whether there is unauthorized access and inspection of email or not. The emails can be accessed in an unauthorized way when an email is in transit or when it is stored on an email server or a device. For testing an email address that whether it is secure or not just enter the email address you want to test and hit enter. You will get the results within seconds.  



Protecting Email Privacy

Here are listed some steps that you can take to protect email privacy. Read the email privacy policy before you sign-up for any email service.

Use a strong password

The first step that you should take while setting up your email account is to select a strong password. Most of the popular email services display an image which shows the strength of the password you have selected. Most want the password to contain a minimum of six characters. They also advise you to mix capital and lowercase letters with numeric and special characters.





Don’t use the following when creating a password:

  • Your name
  • Names of your family members or pets
  • Home address
  • Cell phone or home phone numbers
  • Names of favorite movies, celebrities, music groups, song titles
  • Common words.

Hackers are past masters at these tricks and use complex algorithms which include all this information when they try to crack an email account.

  • Write down your password in your good old hand written diary or note book and save it.
  • Don’t permit the search browser that you use to store your password. Hackers know how to access the browsers and retrieve the passwords.
  • Don’t disclose your login and password to anyone
  • When you use a public computer make sure to logout of your email account and delete the browsing history and cookies.
  • If you think your email has been hacked stop using it. Delete your email account.
  • Make it a habit to change passwords frequently.
  • If you get a notification from your email service provider; IGNORE IT. its false and a hacker wants to get hold of your information.
  • If you get a notification from your email service provider; IGNORE IT. its false and a hacker wants to get hold of your information.
  • Use encryption for sensitive emails.

These are some steps that you can take to protect your email account. Using encryption will require you and the email recipient to use the same encryption service. Don’t communicate this to the recipient via email. If a hacker is monitoring your email, he or she will know the encryption service you are using and will use the same to intercept and read your emails.

‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch, ’ and this adage holds true for free email services also. Yes, email service providers check your emails. Note your interests and target you with suitable ads. If you are interested in pets, don’t be surprised when you see pets’ ads appearing on your search browser. This information from your email and social media network is being used to sell you items of your address.





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